
The Joint Connection with Cohen Orthopedic

A seminar series bringing you the most up to date information about the health of your bones and joints from the Orthopedic expert, Dr. Brian Cohen. Each monthly seminar will feature a special guest and highlight a local business. The series will launch live on Facebook and Youtube starting Wednesday, December 14 at 6p and every second Wednesday of the month after.

You will have the chance to ask questions and get answers that you may be seeking. No registration needed, just tune in on the live date and interact with us. We want to hear from you!

Check out upcoming topics, businesses and dates here Events Calendar

If you are a patient of Dr. Cohen’s, ask the Medical Assistant how you can join our mailing list. Find us on Facebook under Cohen Orthopedics and on YouTube at @cohenorthopedic3095.


Previous Joint Connection Segments

The Body Zone

Ashville Nutrition

AP Prep

Life Coach, Macey Power

Paper City Coffee – Coming 6/14, Facebook live at 6p




Cohen Orthopedic

Lets get moving


Phone  (614) 788-0375

Outpatient Clinic:

869 N. Bridge Street
Chillicothe, OH 45601

Surgical Center:

1375 Stringtown Rd
Grove City, OH 43123

Surgical Center:

Pickerington Methodist Hospital
1010 Refugee Rd
Pickerington, OH 43147