Dislocated Shoulder Treatment in Chillicothe, OH
Dislocated Shoulder Overview
The shoulder joint has more mobility than any other joint in the body. This mobility makes the joint relatively unstable. As a result, the shoulder joint is more susceptible to dislocation.
A shoulder dislocation occurs when the ball of the upper arm bone (humerus) is moved out of the shoulder socket, which is located in your shoulder blade.
A shoulder dislocation may be either a subluxation or a complete dislocation. A subluxation event occurs when the ball of the upper arm bone is partially moved out of the shoulder socket and pops back in. A complete dislocation occurs when the ball of the upper arm bone is completely moved out of the shoulder socket. This may either reduce back in place on its own, or require manual manipulation to return the ball back into the socket.

Shoulder Dislocation Types
A shoulder dislocation may be anterior, posterior, or inferior. These names refer to the dislocation direction.
An anterior dislocation is the most common type of dislocation. It occurs when the top of the upper arm bone is displaced forward.
A posterior dislocation occurs when the top of the upper arm bone is displaced backwards.
An inferior dislocation is very rare. It occurs when the arm is displaced upwards with the ball being dislocated out of the bottom of the socket. In this dislocation, the arm appears to be held in a fixed, upward position.
Dislocated Shoulder Causes
A shoulder dislocation can be either traumatic or atraumatic.
A traumatic shoulder dislocation is the result of a single incident, typically an accident. Causes of a traumatic shoulder dislocation can include the following:
- Car accidents
- Sports injuries
- Falling on your shoulder or outstretched arm
An atraumatic shoulder dislocation generally occurs over time as the upper arm bone begins to slip out of the socket.
Following a traumatic dislocation, the ball can become significantly more unstable, and may dislocate with minimal trauma, like rolling over in bed or sneezing. This is indicative of a shoulder that has a very unstable ball and socket joint.
Dislocated Shoulder Symptoms
A shoulder dislocation can have many symptoms, including the following:
- Intense shoulder pain
- Difficulty moving your arm
- Your arm or shoulder appears to be out of place
- Shoulder muscle spasms
- Bruising or swelling in your shoulder, arm or hand
- Numbness or weakness in your shoulder, arm or hand
If you suspect that you may have a dislocated shoulder that you can’t reduce, you should go to the closest emergency room, or call 911. If you feel like you suffered a shoulder subluxation or dislocation that “self-reduced,” you should contact Dr. Cohen’s office and schedule an appointment to be seen by him or one of his sports medicine colleagues. A delay in medical care can result in more pain and improper healing.
Why Choose Dr. Cohen?
One of the first orthopedic surgeons employed by a large hospital. Dr. Cohen spent 20 years.
Over his distinguished career, Dr. Cohen has cultivated a reputation of excellence and trust among his patients and his peers.
To achieve the best surgical outcomes, Dr. Cohen utilizes the most advanced technologies and techniques, keeping his practice state of the art.
An individualized, patient-focused process coupled with decades of training and experience help ensure maximum safety for all of Dr. Cohen’s patients.
Shoulder Dislocation Diagnosis
Dr. Cohen or one of his sports medicine colleagues will obtain a complete “history of present illness” from you to learn more about your injury. The doctor will also perform a focused, comprehensive physical exam to evaluate your shoulder for areas of tenderness, assess range of motion and establish if you have normal or decreased arm strength. Depending on the findings they may order an X-ray and/or an MRI.
Dislocated Shoulder Nonsurgical Treatment Options
If Dr. Cohen or a member of his team diagnoses you with a shoulder dislocation, they will discuss your treatment options with you. In most instances, nonsurgical treatment is used. Nonsurgical treatment following a shoulder subluxation or dislocation that has been reduced, involves a period of rest and immobilization with a sling. Anti-inflammatory medication can be taken for pain control and to decrease inflammation and swelling. A physical therapy program will work on restoring strength and motion safely.
Dislocated Shoulder Surgical Treatment Options
In some instances, surgery may be necessary to treat your shoulder instability following a dislocation or a subluxation. Surgery may be recommended if nonsurgical treatment fails, if you have had multiple dislocations, or if you wish to undergo surgical stabilization after learning the risks and benefits of non-operative vs. operative treatment.
Possible surgical procedures include Bankart repair, capsular shift, bone grafting and total shoulder replacement. The surgical procedure chosen is more specific to the patient, their history, physical exam, radiologic findings and their functional ability.
Shoulder dislocation may be treated through an open or arthroscopic surgical approach. After surgery your postoperative treatment plan will be tailored to your specific surgical repair.
Schedule Your Consultation
If you are considering surgical treatment options for a shoulder dislocation, schedule a personal consultation with orthopedic surgeon Dr. Brian Cohen by calling or emailing his office today. Dr. Cohen has over 20 years of experience and specializes in “minimally invasive” surgery. This means less stress on your body and typically a faster recovery time. Contact Dr. Cohen today to find out how his personalized approach to your orthopedic care can help you heal from your shoulder dislocation.