Proximal Tibia Cartilage Injury Treatment in Chillicothe, OH
The proximal tibia is the upper part of the shin bone that connects to the knee joint.
As one of the largest joints in your body, your knee joint also includes the lower end of the femur (thigh bone), the upper end of the tibia (shin bone), and the patella (kneecap), as well as cartilage, ligaments, and tendons.
Because your knee joint is one of your body’s weight-bearing joints and plays a major role in your mobility, any injury to it will have an impact on your lifestyle and well-being. This includes injury to the cartilage covering the proximal tibia, which normally provides a smooth surface to allow the bones to slide freely in the joint.

Articular Cartilage Injury Causes
Articular cartilage lesions of the proximal tibia occur when the cartilage covering the proximal tibia tears or breaks. Damaged articular cartilage does not heal on its own because it does not contain blood vessels.
Knee Cartilage Damage Grading Scale
Doctors classify damage to knee cartilage using a grading scale based on what is seen via arthroscopy. The grades are listed below:
- Grade zero is normal cartilage.
- Grade one is when the cartilage has a softening, blistering, or swelling.
- Grade two is when minor tears are visible in the cartilage.
- Grade three is when the lesions have deep crevices.
- Grade four is when the underlying bone is exposed.
Causes of Articular Cartilage Damage
Damage to the articular cartilage surface can come from many sources, including any of the following:
- Being overweight
- Previous injury
- A misaligned bone
- Osteoarthritis
- Inflammatory arthritis
- Everyday wear and tear
- An accompanying injury to a ligament or meniscus
Why Choose Dr. Cohen?
One of the first orthopedic surgeons employed by a large hospital. Dr. Cohen spent 20 years.
Over his distinguished career, Dr. Cohen has cultivated a reputation of excellence and trust among his patients and his peers.
To achieve the best surgical outcomes, Dr. Cohen utilizes the most advanced technologies and techniques, keeping his practice state of the art.
An individualized, patient-focused process coupled with decades of training and experience help ensure maximum safety for all of Dr. Cohen’s patients.
Proximal Tibia Cartilage Injury Diagnosis
If you have a knee injury and are concerned you have damaged cartilage, Dr. Cohen or one of his sports medicine colleagues will obtain a complete “history of present illness” from you and conduct a focused, comprehensive physical exam to evaluate your knee for areas of tenderness, assess stability and range of motion and establish if you have normal or decreased strength. Depending on the findings they may order an X-ray and/or an MRI.
Cartilage Treatment Options
Dr. Cohen will discuss your damaged cartilage treatment options with you. Treatment may include procedures to repair, regenerate or transplant. If the cartilage is worn so much that the underlying bone is exposed, a partial or total knee replacement may be necessary.
Arthroscopic Knee Surgery
He may use arthroscopic surgery to treat your damaged cartilage. During arthroscopic surgery small incisions are made in the knee area. Dr. Cohen then uses an arthroscope (a device about the size of a pencil that carries a tiny video camera) to look inside the knee at the cartilage and special tools to perform the surgery.
Schedule Your Consultation
If you are suffering from knee pain, schedule a personal consultation with orthopedic surgeon Dr. Brian Cohen by calling or emailing his office today. Dr. Cohen has extensive knee pain treatment experience and can diagnose and help you learn more about your knee pain treatment options.