Clavicle Fracture Treatment in Chillicothe, OH
What is a Clavicle Fracture?
A clavicle fracture, also known as a broken collarbone, is a common fracture. The clavicle is an elongated, s-shaped bone that is located between the ribcage (sternum) and the shoulder blade (scapula).
A clavicle fracture can come in many forms. The fracture may result in a slight break or many breaks of the clavicle. The pieces of the fracture may remain in place or move far out of place.

Clavicle Fracture Locations
Clavicle fractures are classified based upon their location. Most clavicle fractures occur in the middle third of the bone. Occasionally a clavicle fracture occurs on the outer third of the clavicle, near the tip of the shoulder. Clavicle fractures can also occur on the inner third of the clavicle, near the breastbone. This area is rarely fractured.
Clavicle Fracture Causes
A clavicle fracture can have many causes, including the following:
- Automobile accidents
- Sport injuries
- Falling directly onto the shoulder or falling on an outstretched arm
Clavicle Fracture Symptoms
Clavicle fracture symptoms vary based on the severity of the injury. Below are some common clavicle fracture symptoms to be aware of:
- A snap or a cracking sound that occurred at the time of injury.
- A visibly obvious fracture deformity of your clavicle such as a bump or sharp point.
- A visibly obvious fracture deformity of your clavicle where the bone is sticking out through the skin. This type of fracture is a medical emergency and you should seek help immediately.
- Pain, swelling or bruising around the clavicle.
- The inability to use or move your arm.
- Sagging of the shoulder.
- A grinding sensation when you try to move or lift your arm.
If you suspect that you have a clavicle fracture, you should contact Dr. Cohen’s office immediately. If you believe you are suffering from a medical emergency, go to the closest emergency room or call 911.
Why Choose Dr. Cohen?
One of the first orthopedic surgeons employed by a large hospital. Dr. Cohen spent 20 years.
Over his distinguished career, Dr. Cohen has cultivated a reputation of excellence and trust among his patients and his peers.
To achieve the best surgical outcomes, Dr. Cohen utilizes the most advanced technologies and techniques, keeping his practice state of the art.
An individualized, patient-focused process coupled with decades of training and experience help ensure maximum safety for all of Dr. Cohen’s patients.
Clavicle Fracture Diagnosis
Dr. Cohen or one of his sports medicine colleagues can diagnose your clavicle fracture. They will look at your medical history and ask you questions about the incident that caused the clavicle fracture.
They will examine your clavicle, shoulder and upper chest, look for bruising, deformity, tenderness and pain. Additionally, they will gently touch around your clavicle to feel for broken bone fragments. The examination will also include your arms, hand, fingers and lungs and X-rays will be taken to help in the diagnosis.
Clavicle Fracture Treatment Options
Clavicle fracture treatment varies based on the following:
- The severity of the injury, focusing on displacement of fragments and risk of skin compromise over the fracture.
- The location of the fracture.
- The patient’s health.
- The patient’s lifestyle.
If you have a clavicle fracture, Dr. Cohen and/or a member of his team will discuss your treatment options with you.
Nonsurgical Treatment
In most instances, a clavicle fracture will not require surgery. It can be treated by simply immobilizing the clavicle (usually in a sling). Even clavicle fractures that have some displacement can heal without changing the position of the fragments; this is usually more successful in patients that are younger and still growing. Your treatment will typically involve the following:
- Pain and/or anti-inflammatory medication.
- Ice to reduce pain and swelling.
- A sling to help reduce movement.
- Physical therapy after healing has occurred to help with mobility and strength.
Surgical Treatment
In more severe instances, surgery may be necessary to treat your clavicle fracture. After surgery your arm will still need to be in a sling and you will still need to participate in physical therapy. During surgery, the surgeon may insert pins, a rod or a plate to help return all the bone pieces to their original positions.
Schedule Your Consultation
If you are considering surgical treatment options for a clavicle fracture, schedule a personal consultation with orthopedic surgeon Dr. Brian Cohen by calling or emailing his office today.