Bad Habits for Joints
Have you ever put your feet up on the dash when riding passenger? Do you smoke regularly? Do you have an inactive lifestyle? Among many other activities, these are three on the “Bad Habits for Your Joints” list. Here is…
Preparation for Joint Replacement
Preparation for Joint Replacement
Have you made the jump and decided to care for your joints? Your grandchildren will appreciate it, I’m sure. Although the recovery will take some time, you will be ready to do all ‘things’ with your favorite little ones real…
New Year, New You
New Year, New You
As cliché as it may be, this is a new year and the time for a new start for orthopedics in southern Ohio. Since Dr. Brian Cohen’s return in April of 2022, he has been working diligently behind the scenes…
10 Most Common Surgeries
10 Most Common Surgeries
Did you know that joint replacement is among the list of top 10 most common surgeries? Including hip, knee, and shoulder replacement. All of which, Dr. Brian Cohen performs each week. More than one million Americans have joint replacement surgery…